Halo everybody, I'd like to share some clue that you can take attention to your partner. Normally most of us could not understand well what the purpose of our partner did it to us. Well, the partner here mean is your boyfriend. when you are in a relationship and you're truly aware of how incredible your guy is, it does not take a long for a girl to start imagining what he would be like if you two were married. You will wonder what kind of that he could be to your children. would he be so strict dad? would he be a angry dad? would he be a fun dad? The one your children are scared of or the one they can talk to about anything?
Well, based on the knowledge and some of the reference that I got I'll give you some guidance to confirm that you've found a perfect dad for your future children, then look closely to these attribute in your partner: 

1. He pays attention to everything- from the main stories to the tiny little details

Whether it’s asking about your mom how was your mom condition, does she feel okay ,remembering every detail of the story you told him ages ago or moth ago  (when you thought he probably isn’t even listening)

and if he can tend to all your emotional and physical needs in this short time you’ve been together, he’s bound to take care of his own children the same way. 

2. He’s fun and playful

He doesn’t leave a chance to tell silly jokes or make you laugh like crazy  or spontaneously decide to go someplace you’ve never been to.

3. He won’t mind a day dedicated to you 

If you’re in the mood to just cuddle in bed all day with a book in your hand or while watching your favorite drama, he won’t complain or ask you to do something different, something that he prefers more.
He’s willing to support and accept your interests and the things that make you happy so he definitely won’t ever mind taking his kid to the new Disney movie that just came out, or he even won't ever mind taking you to salon and shopping :D Lol

4. He knows when and how to take care of you

umm well, sometime he might  can't understand how your situation  is, what kind of the battle you are fight for, but it normal as human being he couldn't know if you don't tell him anything. but in the simple thing like you haven’t eaten all day because of all the work you had on your mind. you might think no one noticed but he did, and he'll show up at your door at exactly the right moment (it depend on the situation)

This kind of caring and protective attitude is a strong indicator of his ability to nurture his future children. (is it? *think hard Lol )

5. He doesn’t get annoyed or angry easily 

He always remembers to keep his calm and think rationally no matter how bad the situation is. This will work especially well in your children’s teenage when they’ll tend to act out and become impossible to discipline and control. He’ll think rationally and come up with solutions to the problems so that your child will eventually turn out to be as mature as their father. and the point IS "He'll not do the KDRT
(Domestic violence)".

6. He knows when to put his foot down 

 And finally, all the unconditional love and devotion he shows doesn’t mean you can take him for granted or  emotionally blackmail him into doing anything you want.

What do you think ladies?
Do you also have the same perception with me?
or would you like to tell me any something that he do tells you about him being an amazing father?
Let me know in the comments below!

(but m not really sure I can find the one who has all of these things in himself) :v